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svn - cannot allocate mem


I just launch svn, on an idle machine, which is on since some time and
yesterday compiled soem stuff

legolas$ uptime
 3:47PM  up 15 hrs, 3 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

I get this:

legolas$ svn
svn: _lwp_ctl: Cannot allocate mem

what's up?

legolas$ vmstat
 procs    memory      page                       disks   faults      cpu
 r b      avm    fre  flt  re  pi   po   fr   sr f0 s0   in   sy  cs us
sy id
 1 0   110400 102012  341   0   0    0    3    3  0  1  314  228  57 18 
6 76

lot's of free mem! I see no late messages in dmesg.

If I launch git... doh!
legolas$ git
git: _lwp_ctl: Cannot allocate memory

... I do a reboot, abd both git and svn start again.


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