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Re: NetBSD 8.2 Package refresh fails

Romain Dolbeau <romain%dolbeau.org@localhost> writes:

> Le jeu. 28 mai 2020 à 23:32, Riccardo Mottola
> <riccardo.mottola%libero.it@localhost> a écrit :
>> what is this hb.h header?
> Harfbuzz ?

Looks like it:  /usr/pkg/include/harfbuzz/hb.h

As usual, I would suggest
  [presumably you marked all built-in-7 packages rebuild=YES]
  Make sure your pkgsrc tree is consistent, either head or 2020Q1
  rm -rf /usr/pkgsrc/*/*/work
  pkg_admin rebuild-tree
  pkg_admin check
  Do another "pkg_rolling-replace -uv".

  if it fails, again nuke all workdirs and try to build the package that
  had the failure.   Look at the error messages and what it buildlinked
  and ask about that, disconnected from pkg_rr.

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