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be ethernet - IPv6 / mcast broken ?


I just put 7.0.2 on my old IPX.  I had a be card so I decided to try this as well (protip: change one variable at a time, I should have installed 7.0.2 and got it working, and THEN tried the be card...).

It seems like on the be interface - RS’es go out properly - but the card never acknowledges the RA, and hence never assigns an address.  I’ve verified the traffic with tcpdump on both the IPX as well as my firewall.

If I put everything back on the built in le interface - everything works properly.

I’ve tried this with both rtsold AND dhcpcd with the same results.

Anyone know if this is a known issue ?  I’ve searched and don’t really see anything already specifically around be ethernet wonkiness of this sort.


Brandon Applegate - CCIE 10273
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