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Re: Relabel disk?

On 12/1/2011 21:35, Mouse wrote:
My IPX won't boot because it's missing a disk label.  I can boot from
the installation CD but I'm not sure how to restore the disk label on
the disk without wiping and reinstalling everything.

sunlabel(8)?  I don't know whether it's on the install CD, but if you
extract it from the CD manually and make it available via NFS, you can
probably boot the install CD and run it off an NFS mount.

I found it in the base.tgz file. I managed to extract it to one of the other system drives but it doesn't run:

# mount /dev/sd3c /mnt2
# mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0a /mnt
# cd /mnt2; mkdir cddata ; cd cddata
# tar -xzf /mnt/sparc/binary/sets/base.tgz "./usr/sbin/sunlabel"

# cd /mnt2/cddata/usr/sbin/
# ./sunlabel
sh: sunlabel: not found

Not found?  It's right there unless I missed something.

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