I'm trying to figure out how I can add a nice command to daemons started
by rc.d so that I can adjust system performance a little bit.
Specifically I want to start by raising ntpd's priority to -5. The
built in priority command line optiosn of ntpd (-N or -P -5) don't seem
to be working when I add them to the rc_flags variable in the precmd
function. Top says priority is still zero. Manually running ntpd using
nice -5 does work so I'm trying to incorporate this into the startup
script somehow.
you should just be able to set ntpd_flags="-N" or so. look at the
stuff in /etc/defaults/rc.conf. you may also be interested in
ntpd_chrootdir, for the paranoid.
for real hacking, you can re-set things in /etc/rc.conf.d/ntpd and
have almost full control...