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Re: PROM burning; was Re (2): Boot partition sizes (Was: installing NetBSD on a Sparcstation 2.)

> With the help of someone with a known good EPROM programmer, I was able to 
> successfully program the 2.9 PROM to a new EPROM and get the SS2 to boot from 
> the NetBSD 5.0.2 CD-ROM tonight.
> I'll see how the install goes, and give the floppy installation method a try 
> as well tomorrow.

Excellent stuff :)

It would be interesting to see what is actually failing with the 2.4
PROM, if Solaris can boot on it it should be possible to tweak the
netbsd cd boot code to handle it (for those who are not able to burn
their own PROMs :)

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