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Re: [NetBSD 5.99.23] kern_lwp cannot allocate memory

BERTRAND Joel a écrit :
Martin Husemann a écrit :
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 07:08:37PM +0100, BERTRAND Joel wrote:
tc-end: lwpctl, passed

Ok, this is how it should be, no obvious bug here. Something strange is
going on - could you give me a quick receipe how to reproduce the problem
locally? I'll update my dual SS20 and try to debug it...

It is very strange. My userland was a 5.99 (bug I don't remember exact
version, I have installed current from tarfile and build it from a
NetBSD 4.0.1 some time ago...) and this SS20 randomly hanged on thread
allocation (in perl) and somewhere in fork() (or execve). I have rebuilt
an recent userland with some difficulties due to these bugs and install
it. For yesterday, same workstation is building xsane with all
dependencies and another huge application without any trouble. I suppose
there was a bug somewhere in my old userland.

For yesterday, this SS20 runs with GENERIC.MP kernel like a charm. I do
not try to add more processors because I do not see any significatif
change for my last experience (panic with dual SM71, reset with dual

Bad news. Same bug occurs. Kernel is unable to do some fork and sometimes lwpctl cannot allocate memory. But if I reboot this station, after reboot, I cannot reproduce this allocation failure. Here is a top (I cannot obtain more information. Kernel doesn't panic, it only refuse to fork process...).

load averages:  2.07,  2.02,  2.01;       up 0+22:06:01        17:00:26
48 processes: 2 runnable, 43 sleeping, 2 zombie, 1 on CPU
CPU states: 0.0% user, 0.0% nice, 0.0% system, 0.0% interrupt, 100% idle
Memory:170M Act,10M Inact,5212K Wired, 9612K Exec, 153M File, 157M Free
Swap: 769M Total, 769M Free

    0 root  126    0     0K   11M pgdaemon   9:13  0.00%  0.00% [system]
16908 root  85    0  8208K 3744K vm_map     1:49  0.00%  0.00% cvs
  717 root  78    0  8208K 3744K biolock    1:27  0.00%  0.00% cvs
  184 root  85    0  6172K 1776K select     0:43  0.00%  0.00% amd
  498 bertrand  85    0    11M 3068K select     0:29  0.00%  0.00% sshd
  154 root  85    0  3496K 1032K select     0:20  0.00%  0.00% ypbind

Both CVS are in Z state. I shall rebuild a kernel with all debug information.



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