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Re: upgrading from old 2.4.x to 5.0.x

At 11:40 Uhr +0000 30.10.2009, David Brownlee wrote:
2009/10/30 Hauke Fath <hauke%espresso.rhein-neckar.de@localhost>:

 (0) If your ss20 is an SMP system, rip out all cpus but one, or stick with
 netbsd-4, since netbsd-5 smp does not work on sparc.
On netbsd-5 can you just use GENERIC rather than GENERIC.MP and run
reliably on one proc on an SMP box?
When I tried on my ss20 (2x SM71, thanks to Martin) a few months ago, 
the UMP kernel got a bit further, but failed eventually. While there 
has been progress on -current, I am not sure any of the changes have 
been pulled up.

Hauke Fath                        <hauke%Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE@localhost>
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 70
64347 Griesheim

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