Subject: RE : Re: CCD problem (was: Disklabel problem)
To: Laurent FAILLIE <>
From: Laurent FAILLIE <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/19/2007 19:17:48

I have upgraded the kernel of my SS5 to 2.1 and I have
the same issue :-(

2 questions :

1/ is possible to CCD 2 disks with different
geometries ?
In my case, 1 disk is 
    bytes/sector: 512
    sectors/track: 162
    tracks/cylinder: 18
    sectors/cylinder: 2916
and the 2nd one is 
    bytes/sector: 512
    sectors/track: 110
    tracks/cylinder: 19
    sectors/cylinder: 2090

2/ when I do disklabel ccd0, I got the disklabel of my
first disk, and I got 
WARNING: ccd0: total sector size in disklabel
(17796078) != the size of ccd (26177805)
Can I change only the size of C of the ccd ?
If I have to change the geometry of the ccd, which one
should I use ?



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