Subject: Re: Nice WM for SPARCclassic
To: Ganimede <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/19/2007 21:21:29
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At Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:20:39 -0700 (PDT),
Ganimede wrote:
> What is your favoirte Window Manager for SPARC Vintage
> station ? I look for a nice and not-heavy wm for my
> SPARCclassic.
CTWM is my favourite for all systems, and I find it works just as well
on monochrome and 8-bit displays as it does on those with more colour
depth. I suspect it would look awsome (in the way I configure it :-))
on greyscale displays too, but I haven't run it on such a beast in so
long that I can't remember how it looks. :-)
If it were not for those apps which are supposed to be installing
entirely their own colour maps instead of stealing colours from the root
map, such as anything Mozilla related, then even with some colours for
window decorations you can still run the likes of XV without having to
use its own colour map (which thus makes it possible to view several
different images simultaneously with separate xv processes and without
having any colour map conflicts). I.e. CTWM can have minimally coloured
window decorations and still work fine with the likes of XV on 8-bit
Greg A. Woods
H:+1 416 218-0098 W:+1 416 489-5852 x122 VE3TCP RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <> Secrets of the Weird <>
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