Subject: SS20 random hanging.
To: None <>
From: Laurent FAILLIE <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/16/2007 14:11:53
So months ago, I started a thread about random hanging
of my SS20 running NetBSD 3.0. I found it was cause by
Apache that has been compiled w/ threading support. So
I remove apache threading and my SS20 became more
Unfortunately, about once on 2 months basis, it hangs
again w/o raisons : no special activities, only the
system load become very very high, the system become
un-responsive but there is nothing special on the
console ...). I suspect 'named' this time, I still use
the one provided w/ 3.0 and it crash time to time.
1/ How to compiler named from pkgsrc w/o threading
support ?
2/ Can I upgrade my kernel to the latest stable 3.1
w/o reinstalling all the user land (I don't have the
time to deal w/ a full upgrade actually) ?
3/ Is someone working on this nasty threading problem
on Sparc architecture ?
Best regards,
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