Subject: Re: and yet more weirdness with XFree86-4.5.0 on NetBSD/sparc
To: NetBSD/sparc Discussion List <>
From: Julian Coleman <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/06/2006 11:42:24
> One thing's been worked around it seems -- the key repeat rate now seems
> to take effect if I do the following operations in the following order:

> The next thing I noticed was that the keyboard focus wasn't following
> the mouse cursor as it normally should with ctwm.

I have noticed both these on sparc and sparc64 when using Xsun.  When
using XFree86, these problems aren't there.  (This bit me again recently
on sparc because we have X -> Xsun by default).

So, I guess the simplest fix is to add support for the other framebuffers
to XFree.


  My other computer also runs NetBSD    /        Sailing at Newbiggin        /