Subject: Re: HDD-woes on Sparcstation 5
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/17/2006 13:45:37
> bock# df -ha
> Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
> /dev/sd0a 237M 175M 50M 77% /
> /dev/sd0b 186M 1.0K 176M 0% /mnt
> bock# du -m /usr/share/man #Just to see how much diskspace it occupied on sd0a
> 18 /usr/share/man
> bock# cp -r /usr/share/man /mnt/
> The first weird thing is that this simple procedure takes almost 10
> minutes to complete, the second is the diskspace it occupies on
> /dev/sd0b:
> bock# df -ha
> Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
> /dev/sd0a 237M 175M 50M 77% /
> /dev/sd0b 186M 87M 90M 49% /mnt
> bock# du -m /mnt/man
> 87 /mnt/man
> What!? How's that possible?
How? /usr/share/man contains a lot of files hardlinked together. But
cp -r converts multiple hardlinks to a file into multiple distinct
files with identical contents.
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