Subject: Re: Seeking a laptop scsi disk...
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/13/2006 13:03:13
> [...].  Sadly, the means I'm reduced to reading this thread on Google
> Groups.  Oh well.

Do you know about  Check out if not.

> I'm actually using an old Sun hard drive enclosure with a 1GB drive
> in it to power my Voyager.

How are you getting power into the Voyager?  Did you hack the Sun
cable, or did you do something akin to my power-over-ttya-DB25 kludge?

> IIRC, the external SCSI port is a standard 50 pin high density one.

I haven't looked since the thread mentioned it, but I think I would
have noticed if it weren't that, so it probably is. :-)

> is probably of interest as
> it lists drives known to work in the Voyager.

Definitely of interest.  Thank you.

					der Mouse