Subject: Graphical web browsers for NetBSD/Sparc
To: None <>
From: Bruce O'Neel <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/22/2006 09:09:12
Since this question comes up once in a while I'd thought I'd send
around my experiences with links. This was one of the web browsers
listed in the OpenBSD FAQ and it is in pkgsrc as links-gui. It builds
quickly and easily and runs quickly on NetBSD current. In fact, it
runs so well that it has replaced Firefox as my web browser of choice
on my slower (less then 1ghz) systems. It really is nice.
The only downsides are that CSS doesn't seem to completely work, no
tabs, and some sites refuse to work. Ie, works, doesn't let me log in.
I suspect as you get to fancier and/or more complex sites they work
less well, but for most technical sites everything is readable.
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