Subject: Re: Netboot from MacOS X 10.4.x?
To: John D. Baker <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/20/2006 09:13:29
On 7/20/06, John D. Baker <> wrote:
> Once the Macs were told to shut up (and killing bootpd on the iMac
> caused me to lose my connection to the internet) I was able to net-
> boot the SS10 from the Thinkpad. For the time being, if I use the
> Thinkpad to do the RARP/tftp thing, I could debug the rest of the Mac
> netboot chain.
So you didn't get it fixed yet?
Seems very odd that you can do a rarp request on the localhost, but
not from the network. And I think you said that the rarpd on the mac
was actually receiving the request right? So there are probably only a
few possibilities:
1. The sparc isn't asking right (but I have no idea why that would be,
sounds like this isn't the case)
2. The mac really isn't replying back over the network.
I don't know exactly where tcpdump is in the picture, but it could be
that it's ouside of some block that OSX is doing. It's not a huge leap
to come to the conclusion that the mac is blocking outbound rarp
requests. I work in a place where I have to tell customers to turn off
or re-configure the RedHat built in firewall all the time so things
can happen on the network... I'm not a networking expert though.
To quote one of our esteemed but departed NetBSD users, "I probably
don't know what I'm talking about".