Subject: Problems booting SPARCstation IPX from miniroot
To: None <>
From: Andreas Gustafsson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/17/2006 18:01:12
I'm trying to upgrade a SPARCstation IPX from NetBSD 1.6I to 3.0 by
following the instructions in the section titled "Installing NetBSD by
placing a bootable file system on a partitioned hard drive" in the 3.0
INSTALL file.  That is, I booted single user and did

   # gunzip miniroot.fs.gz
   # dd if=miniroot.fs of=/dev/rsd0b bs=4k conv=sync
   # halt
   ok boot disk:b netbsd -s

The problem is, instead of successfully booting the miniroot, I got
another "ok" prompt:

   Can't open input device.
   SPARCstation IPX, No Keyboard
   ROM Rev. 2.4, 40 MB memory installed, Serial #8287715.
   Ethernet address 8:0:20:89:b3:b0, Host ID: 577e75e3.

   Rebooting with command: disk:b netbsd -s
   Boot device: /sbus/esp@0,800000/sd@3,0:b   File and args: netbsd -s
   Type  help  for more information

If I try repeating the "boot disk:b netbsd -s" command, I get

   Boot device: /sbus/esp@0,800000/sd@3,0:b   File and args: netbsd -s
   The file just loaded does not appear to be executable.

I also tried the NetBSD 1.6 miniroot, but the same thing happened.
What am I doing wrong?
Andreas Gustafsson,