Subject: Re: Two Voyager issues
To: David C. Myers <>
From: Malte Dehling <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/07/2005 00:23:28
On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 01:48:38PM -0800, David C. Myers wrote:
> Second, inserting an 802.11b card in the PCMCIA slot freezes the machine. 
> The card is recognized (a `wi0 at ...` message shows up), but then the
> machine just hangs.  When you pop the card out, the Voyager starts running
> again.  This happens both when the card is already in the slot at boot time
> and if I insert the card after boot-up.  There are some other messages
> that appear on the console, some regarding interrupts, which I'll type up 
> when I get home.  Anyone seen this?

Ive had (and actually still have) a similar issue on my i386 laptop. When I
leave the pcmcia network card in its slot while in suspend mode, the computer
hangs when resuming. It continues normally when I remove the pcmcia card.
The problem is gone when I disable the network (`/etc/rc.d/network stop')
before suspending (I put this in /etc/apm/* scripts.)
Dont know if this has anything todo with it... or should I mention/report this
problem somewhere else?

Any ideas/fixes would be appreciated...

Malte Dehling

Mail:		mdehling [at]
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