Subject: Re: What are you using port-sparc for?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/28/2004 22:56:25
On 28.09.04, 13:01:17, Greg Earle wrote:
> On Sep 28, 2004, at 12:53 PM, Bernd Sieker wrote:
> >
> >So, for ssh logins, 180MHz HyperSPARC is slower than 75MHz
> >SuperSPARC-II? Hard to believe, but I really can login in <12
> >seconds.
> I said "roughly" - that's the result of a "/usr/bin/time slogin ... "
"roughly" combined with 4 significant digits sounds a bit odd ...
> and, once I get logged in, wait for the shell, then type "exit"
> to get back to the originating host. Maybe you're measuring
> how long it takes to get the SSH login prompt, or to get the
> shell prompt ... I'm measuring end-to-end.
What I do is "time ssh <remote-host> true", so I don't wait for
the remote shell prompt to come up, but just to execute one (small,
output-less) remote program, and exit immediately. I also use
publickey authentication so don't have to enter a password. Should
be a second or two shorter than your method, which would make the
180MHz Hyper and the 75MHz Super-II almost on par. Which I still
find a bit disappointing for the Ross. It may be significantly
faster on many other tasks, of course.
> - Greg
Bernd Sieker
NetBSD - a server in every port.
-- Julian Assange