Subject: Re: Problem with Compaq DLT streamer
To: None <>
From: Chris Amthor <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/16/2004 21:27:51
David Laight <> wrote:


> I've only ever seen DECtape on a PDP-8.  One trick was to define a bad
> block at the end of each tape track - so that sequentially reading
> a file would not have to reverse the tape dircetion.

Well, I've only seen real ghetto-blasters beeing connected to what we
called a computer. These real mainframes were called "ZX80", could be
obtained as a construction kit from sinclair and are still all the
rage. ;)

> DECtape was made obsolete by the 8" floppy drive.

Ghettoblaster-storage became obsolete by the invention of the so
called "datasette", which would not connect to my ZX80 mainframe. I
had to purchase a Commodore plus/4 in order to use such devices.

The future was mine ;)

BTW: I still own two ZX80. None of them was ever able to run NetBSD.

And, no: I never ever used punch cards. Sorry for beeing out of your


Q: How is "SunOS" spelled?
A: As one speaks it. With capital "S-O-S".