Subject: Re: SS20 NetBSD kiosk?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/03/2004 17:37:00
> Hmm, it would certainly have to do X.  But if the cg14 is
> unaccelerated then it's probably to slow for an X-based web browser
> (think something mozilla derived, most likely), or not?

I can't say, largely because "too slow" here is a matter of user
expectations.  If the users in question are used to SS1s with cg3s, it
will feel startlingly fast; if they are used to multi-gigahertz Athlons
with thousand-dollar video cards, it will feel execrably slow.  And of
course there's a whole spectrum in between.

_I_ certainly find it fast enough, but I am among the most
sluggishness-tolerant people I know (and I don't use GUI web browsers
at all anyway).

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