Subject: Re: SPARCStation 4 problems with 1.6.2 multi-1
To: None <>
From: Jeff_W <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/30/2004 09:56:04
I've always had problems installing on sparc via the CDROMs.
If you've got a floppy drive just make the two install floppies
and do a network install - even over dialup it's not too bad.


> I tried to install 1.6.2 (can't wait for 2.0) on a SS4 using the multi-1 CD 
> ISO image.  I keep getting errors.  The errors were either "short disk 
> read" or something to the effect of "The file just loaded doesn't appear to 
> be executable".  (I'm not at the system console at the moment)
> This multi-1 CD was used to install 1.6.2 on a i386 platform so my guess is 
> that the CD is ok
> This SS4 was loaded from a 1.6 multi-1 CD so it appears that the SS4 can 
> read the CD's I burn.
> Is there a known problem with SS4's and the multi-1 CD ISO from 1.6.2?  I 
> couldn't find anything relevant in the NetBSD web page or sparc 
> archives.  Thanks

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