Subject: Re: ssh / sshd
To: None <>
From: Chris Amthor <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/06/2004 20:33:39

On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 08:08:28PM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:


> On systems not using assesmbler optimized code in openssh/openssl
> and using gcc <= 3.3.x. For sparc systems especially since by default
> older NetBSDs used v7 instructions only - 2.0 and -current do runtime
> selection of parts of libc.

What does v7 mean? Does it refer to CPU-feature related code like ISSE
or MMX on intel Hardware?

On the RS/6000 I'm running a precompiled binary of OpenSSH. I found a
.bff somewhere on the net. On sun hardware (or better: on everything
running NetBSD), I install from pkgsrc. Although compile times on the
SS2 can be a pain in the ass...

> For a good comparision you need to make realy sure that you are using
> the same ciphers and key lengths.

Well, actually I'm using the same keys. Is that OK to fit these needs?

> > You want to run SSHv2. Believe me.
> Sure. I've disabled v1 everywhere. But believe me, this is most likely
> the real explanation of the perceived difference.

Yes, for sure. Never argued about that. But telnet would also speed
things up a bit, right?


Q: How is "SunOS" spelled?
A: As one speaks it. With capital "S-O-S".