Subject: Re: Dual proc SS20 not booting:
To: NetBSD port-sparc mailing list <>
From: Julian Coleman <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/27/2004 22:07:42
> cpu0 at mainbus0: mid 8: TMS390Z50 v0 or TMS390Z55 @ 60 MHz, on-chip FPU
> cpu0: physical 20K instruction (64 b/l), 16K data (32 b/l), 1024K external 
> (32 b/l): cache enabled
> cpu1 at mainbus0: mid 10: TMS390Z50 v0 or TMS390Z55 @ 50 MHz, on-chip FPU
> cpu1: physical 20K instruction (64 b/l), 16K data (32 b/l), 1024K external 
> (32 b/l): cache enabled

> module0:
>         mxcc error 0x0
>         mxcc status 0xff1410002
>         mxcc reset 0x4 (WATCHDOG RESET)
> module1:
>         mxcc error 0x0
>         mxcc status 0xff1402000
>         mxcc reset 0x0

Do you know what the part numbers of the CPU's are?  You could check them

This second page notes:

    8. You cannot mix cached and uncached modules on a single MBus.

    9. You  may or may not be able to mix modules with different L2 cache

   12. You  should  not  mix  MXCC  cache-controllers  of differing major
       revisions, on the same MBus/XBus.


   13. You  can  mix  cached  SuperSPARC modules of different speeds (eg:
       SM51 and SM61), if you are using Solaris 2.5.1 or a later O/S, but
       you may not be free to choose which module goes in which slot.
       The  slot  restriction  only  applies  on  those  systems that can
       automatically  downclock  the  MBus.  For instance, when mixing an
       SM51  with  an  SM61  (other  than 501-2571)in the SPARCstation-20
       (autoselected 40/50 MHz MBus), the SM51 must go in slot 0, because
       only  slot  0  is  used in the bus-speed-selection logic. 


  My other computer also runs NetBSD    /        Sailing at Newbiggin        /