Subject: Re: leo ("zx") framebuffer
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/11/2003 04:29:57
>> 	struct foo { ... } __attribute__((__packed__));
>> to imply also __aligned__(1)
> A good reason to use bus_space_*() functions to access the device
> registers.

Except those are kernel-only.  The code in question at the moment is
entirely in userland (the kernel is doing nothing but mmap() support,
until I understand things enough to do more there), and much of it will
remain there for all expected further work....

> Though in this case just dropping __packed__ should be ok, since all
> fields are 32 bit ints anyway.

Not quite, but experience indicates that they can all be accessed as if
they were.  (Well, except for fields which are array-of-32bit, but
that's a quibble.)

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