Subject: Re: installation of NetBSD on sparc station 5
To: Robert Zalesny <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/03/2003 11:33:40
>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Zalesny <> writes:

    Robert> Now, as you suspect I would like to install NetBSD on the
    Robert> sparc station, but the problem is that tapping
    Robert> CNTRL+Pause/Break doesn't help me a lot and I don't know
    Robert> how to reach the PROM. When a keyboard is attached this is
    Robert> easy - STOP+A is enough, but I can't connect the
    Robert> keyboard!!!! I would like to install NetBSD without the
    Robert> monitor via my FreeBSD box.

On my ipx I can get into prom prompt if sending a break signal over
the serial line/console...
