Subject: Re: zx/tcx/cgfourteen 24 bpp support in 2.0?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/12/2003 14:21:51
> Accelerated-- I wish.  I have reason to think the cg14 is fairly smart,
> perhaps as smart as the cg6, but have yet to find any docs, nor have I
> had the leisure to figure anything out by experimentation.  (For that
> matter, I have reason to think the cg6 is smarter than I know how to
> use - indications are it has a 3D transform engine, but I have no clue
> how to use it.)

I found a pdf with the title "A Memory Controller with an Integrated
Graphics Processor" that seems to go into reasonable detail about
the SX graphics accelerator.  Isn't that what the cg14 is built
around?  Do you have this, don't care, or want me to send you a

I ran into a link a few months ago, perhaps on one of the NetBSD
lists, but I don't really remember where...  My file is dated May
28, so perhaps that was when I got it.  Seems about right, and that
might be enough to search the archives to find the real source.
(Or maybe I got it by following some random link on slashdot.)
