Subject: Re: SS1+ Fun
To: None <>
From: Mauricio <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/22/2003 12:17:23
At 14:20 +0100 9/22/03, Christian Smith wrote:
>On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Mauricio wrote:
>>	I am trying to install netbsd in my SS1+.  I am using a DEC
>>5000/25 as the rarpd/tftpd/nsfd server:
>>Then, when I try to install netbsd in the SS1+, I get
>>Is it trying to get the address from my router, which is also doing dhcp?
>A very likely scenario. You can make sure using tcpdump on the DEC box to
>check where the DHCP reply comes from, or check the address range
>configured by the router's DHCP server.

	I guess I really need to learn how to use tcpdump. =)

>Your best bet is to use a single
>DHCP server, so you really should disable the DHCP on your router and do
>everything in one place.

	Done!  After that I finally was able to start the 
installation process.  However, after it downloaded all the binary 
distribution sets, it gave the following (SCSI?) error:

sd0(esp0:0:3:Failed: command failedn CDB: 0x28 00 00 20 5b 80 00 00 10 00
     SENSE KEY:  Media Errorf /mnt/usr/INSTALL/kern-GENERIC.tgz
    INPress any key to continue
      ASC/ASCQ:  Unrecovered Read 
          SKSV:  Actual Retry Count: 16

gzip: stdin: Input/output error
pax: End of archive volume 1 reached
pax: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.

(when I tried to let it continue):

sd0(esp0:0:3:0):  Check Condition on CDB: 0x28 00 00 20 72 a0 00 00 10 00
     SENSE KEY:  Media Error
    INFO FIELD:  2126497
      ASC/ASCQ:  Unrecovered Read Error
          SKSV:  Actual Retry Count: 16

What is it trying to tell me?  I do apologize for the garble but I 
had the terminal set to vt100.