Subject: Re: Endless tape?
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Matthew Jacob <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/31/2003 13:21:31
Swell, thanks.

On Thu, 31 Jul 2003, David Gilbert wrote:

> >>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Jacob <> writes:
> Matthew> You have to set an option to get early warning detection-
> Matthew> ST_ENABLE_EARLYWARN in your kernel config file, or use 'mt'
> Matthew> to set it. Otherwise you go to hard physical EOT.
> Matthew> This was a requirement forced on me.
> This sounds dumb and counter intuitive.  I have two tape drives here
> ... one DDS-4 and one 8mil (the 20 Gig native version).  They're both
> fairly advanced units that cover off a whole bunch of standards.
> In a past life, I used to be the tape support guy for a satillite
> imaging package.  In my opinnion, the DDS-4 from HP is the most
> compliant drive in the industry.
> Neither drive _ever_ signal hard end-of-tape.  Left alone, they simply
> lock up the system with endless console messages.
> How is this a desireable thing?  How is this an even somewhat
> desireable default?
> This is just one more thing reminding me why I don't use NetBSD.  I
> respect it.  I like many things about it... but the committee making
> decisions like this is goofball.
> I hate to rant, but in the interim, I bought a SCSI card for my intel
> (FreeBSD) box and got my work done.
> Dave.
> --
> ============================================================================
> |David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.       | Two things can only be     |
> |Mail:                    |  equal if and only if they |
> |                              |   are precisely opposite.  |
> =========================================================GLO================