Subject: Re: sparc station 5-170 (turbo sparc)
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/12/2003 12:14:43
Thus spake der Mouse ("dM> ") sometime Today...

dM> *shudder*  The model 5 is...well, I prefer it to a peecee keyboard, but
dM> that's rather like saying I'd rather have my fingers broken than my arm
dM> ripped off.  The type-3 is the last civilized keyboard Sun made, to my
dM> feel.  (Keyboard preferences are almost as good holy-war bait as editor
dM> preferences....)

*grin*  "Second line on the right, one keyboard per customer."

dM> Fortunately type-3s work fine on more modern machines
dM> with only a passive adapter, one that's easy to make.  (Anything that
dM> can use a type-4 can use a type-3 with an adapter, AFAICT.)

I have not liked type 3s ever since I had three of them with keys go bad
on me in a very short amount of time.  Personally I find myself
wishing for a type 2 that I could make work!  now, THOSE rocked.

[actually, a 3 might not be bad, but as I don't use a head on my SS,
it'd be useless unless I could do a PS2 conversion on it...]

dM> Mind you, I haven't actually tried any USB Sun keyboards.  But given
dM> the direction they were going with the 4 and then the 5, I doubt I'd
dM> care for them.

I don't like the 4s so much anymore.  They're too crowded and just don't
feel right to me.  The 3s had more real estate.  But the 2s -- man,
clicketyclicketyclickety!  GREAT positive feedback devices!

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