Subject: Re: smparc - success with mixed modules?!
To: Paul Kranenburg <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/20/2003 10:09:50
Paul Kranenburg <>  wrote:
 > Yet, I've never heard of a 0-cache CPU module. If you get a chance,
 > put it in a machine and see what the cpu properties say.

I could be wrong.  I was reading some pages on 'sunhelp' that indicated
the module I had was a 0-cache module.

Anyway, I just powered up the machine with my 100Mhz module and my
150Mhz module.  Here's what I get:

<#0> ok cd Ross,RT625@f,fafffffc
<#0> ok .attributes
cache-line-size          00000040 
cache-nlines             00001000 
clock-frequency          05f5e100 
psr-implementation       00000001 
psr-version              0000000e 
implementation           00000001 
version                  00000007 
reg                      0000000f  fafffffc  00000004 
mmu-nctx                 00001000 
cache-associativity      00000001 
ncaches                  00000001 
nmmus                    00000001 
sparc-version            00000008 
name                     Ross,RT625
device_type              cpu
mid                      0000000a 
page-size                00001000 
context-table            00 00 00 00 1f ff c0 00 00 00 40 00 
mailbox-virtual          ff ee f0 02 00 00 00 01 
mailbox                  00 00 00 00 1f fe 90 02 00 00 00 01 

<#0> ok cd Ross,RT626@f,f8fffffc
<#0> ok .attributes
cache-line-size          00000020 
cache-nlines             00004000 
clock-frequency          08f0d180 
psr-implementation       00000001 
psr-version              0000000e 
implementation           00000001 
version                  00000007 
reg                      0000000f  f8fffffc  00000004 
mmu-nctx                 00001000 
cache-associativity      00000001 
ncaches                  00000001 
nmmus                    00000001 
sparc-version            00000008 
name                     Ross,RT626
device_type              cpu
mid                      00000008 
page-size                00001000 
context-table            00 00 00 00 1f ff c0 00 00 00 40 00 
mailbox-virtual          ff ee f0 00 00 00 00 01 
mailbox                  00 00 00 00 1f fe 90 00 00 00 00 01 

So, it looks like the 100Mhz has a 256K cache and the 150 has a 512K cache.

Guess I can't use these two together with NetBSD yet.