Subject: Re: SMP success
To: matthew green <>
From: Jon Buller <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/06/2003 19:45:21
In message <>, matthew green writes:

>   4) kernel checks processors and is OK with my SM81 for cpu0 but
>      doesn't like my SM71 for cpu1.  Doesn't use cpu1, but keeps
>      quiet about it also.  (Solaris didn't mind this situation, and
>      used both processors.)
>oh my, i didn't notice this earlier.  i wonder what will happen....
>i am guessing netbsd will get confused but might work.

Well, I'll let you know when the build finishes.  (I made the
mistake of doing a CVS update on the src tree this afternoon so I
have a lot more to rebuild than just locore.s.)

Anything I can do to preemptively assist debugging if needed?
