Subject: Re: Newbie: Trouble installing 1.6 on SS20
To: Tim Champ <>
From: Michael Wong <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/31/2002 21:37:16
On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 05:07 PM, Tim Champ wrote:
> I could be wrong, but it sounds like one of two things(both of which
> have
> caused similar errors for me in the past).
> One: The "parity" jumper on the cdrom isn't set.
OK. I can figure out check this.
> Two: The block size is incorrect on the CDROM.
I burned the CDROM from an ISO9660 image. Wouldn't that set the correct
block size when burning? Also, wouldn't this prevent booting?
> Is this a internal "from Sun" cdrom? Another thing, on second thought,
> could be that you have conflicting CDROM devices.
Only one CD ROM and for various reasons, I'm pretty sure it's from Sun.
> Outside of this, I'd have to thinka bout it.
Your help is appreciated.
> Tim
> On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Michael Wong wrote:
>> Hi folks. I'm trying a fresh install of 1.6 on my SS20. I successfully
>> made a boot CD with NetBSD 1.6 on it and booted fine. I get to the
>> second stage where it asks for the media for the additional utilities
>> and pick cdrom.
>> I pick /dev/cd0a (presumably the device I just booted from) and the
>> lights go on the drive and eventually I get:
>> cd0(esp0:0:6:0): esp0: timed out [ecb 0xf0453000 (flags 0x1, dleft
>> 800,
>> stat0], <state 5, nexus 0xf0453000, phase(l, 11, c 1, p 1), resid 800,
>> msg(q 0, o 0) DMA active>
>> cd0(esp0:0:6:0): sync negotiation disabled
>> cd0(esp0:0:6:0): esp0: timed out [ecb 0xf0453000 (flags 0x41, dleft
>> 800, stat0], <state 5, nexus 0xf0453000, phase(l, 11, c 1, p 1), resid
>> 800, msg(q 20, o 0) DMA active> AGAIN
>> esp0: invalid state: 6
>> esp0: resetting SCSI bus
>> esp0: SCSI bus reset
>> esp0: invalid state: 6
>> esp0: resetting SCSI bus
>> esp0: SCSI bus reset
>> esp0: invalid state: 6
>> esp0: resetting SCSI bus
>> esp0: SCSI bus reset
>> esp0: invalid state: 6
>> esp0: resetting SCSI bus
>> esp0: SCSI bus reset
>> mount_cd9660: /dev/cd0a on /cdrom: Input/output error
>> Sometimes I get to the prompt where it asks for the path of the tar
>> file and shows the correct path and then it times out again. If it
>> boots, then the CD-ROM should work, no? Solaris installed fine a few
>> days ago. Any help is appreciated.
>> thanx, m
> _______________________________________________________________________
> _______
> Tim Champ UMBC OIT Systems Administrator
> * NOTE my new address - *
> "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great
> nation was
> founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions,
> but on the
> gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths
> have been
> afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship." -- Patrick Henry
> OIT and UMBC are not responsible for my opinions or comments