Subject: Re: Newbie: Trouble installing 1.6 on SS20
To: Michael Wong <>
From: Tim Champ <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/31/2002 17:07:52
I could be wrong, but it sounds like one of two things(both of which have
caused similar errors for me in the past).

One: The "parity" jumper on the cdrom isn't set.

Two: The block size is incorrect on the CDROM.

Is this a internal "from Sun" cdrom?  Another thing, on second thought,
could be that you have conflicting CDROM devices.

Outside of this, I'd have to thinka bout it.


On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Michael Wong wrote:

> Hi folks. I'm trying a fresh install of 1.6 on my SS20. I successfully
> made a boot CD with NetBSD 1.6 on it and booted fine. I get to the
> second stage where it asks for the media for the additional utilities
> and pick cdrom.
> I pick /dev/cd0a (presumably the device I just booted from) and the
> lights go on the drive and eventually I get:
> cd0(esp0:0:6:0): esp0: timed out [ecb 0xf0453000 (flags 0x1, dleft 800,
> stat0], <state 5, nexus 0xf0453000, phase(l, 11, c 1, p 1), resid 800,
> msg(q 0, o 0) DMA active>
> cd0(esp0:0:6:0): sync negotiation disabled
> cd0(esp0:0:6:0): esp0: timed out [ecb 0xf0453000 (flags 0x41, dleft
> 800, stat0], <state 5, nexus 0xf0453000, phase(l, 11, c 1, p 1), resid
> 800, msg(q 20, o 0) DMA active> AGAIN
> esp0: invalid state: 6
> esp0: resetting SCSI bus
> esp0: SCSI bus reset
> esp0: invalid state: 6
> esp0: resetting SCSI bus
> esp0: SCSI bus reset
> esp0: invalid state: 6
> esp0: resetting SCSI bus
> esp0: SCSI bus reset
> esp0: invalid state: 6
> esp0: resetting SCSI bus
> esp0: SCSI bus reset
> mount_cd9660: /dev/cd0a on /cdrom: Input/output error
> Sometimes I get to the prompt where it asks for the path of the tar
> file and shows the correct path and then it times out again. If it
> boots, then the CD-ROM should work, no? Solaris installed fine a few
> days ago. Any help is appreciated.
> thanx, m


Tim Champ					UMBC OIT Systems Administrator
	 * NOTE my new address - *

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 founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the
 gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been
 afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship." -- Patrick Henry

	OIT and UMBC are not responsible for my opinions or comments