Subject: Re: Restarting after a power failure.
To: port-sparc <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Laurent=20FAILLIE?= <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/15/2002 10:37:35
 --- Greywolf <> a écrit : > On
Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Laurent FAILLIE wrote:
> 'jour, Laurent,

Bonjour :-)
> How in the world do you get an SS5 to power on
> automagically after a power
> failure?  I still don't know this one...

Hum, it's a strange question ;-D

The machine itself restart when the power come back,
and as I have set the "autoboot" options in the NVRam,
NetBSD bootup automaticaly.

My only problem is I use a serial console (in fact a
laptop under M$-windows) and the boot process is
stoped if this console is not up and runing : I think
it's because the console driver use hardware
And for me, it's realy a NetBSD issus as the machine
start to boot (I can hear the HD activity) : all
firmware runs, NetBSD start to boot ... and is blocked
after some second.
Obviously, I can't see where it stops as I can't see
anything ;-D

If someone have a tip ...



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