Subject: Re: sun sparcstation firewall
To: Szekeres_Szilárd <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Laurent=20FAILLIE?= <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/10/2002 17:27:45
--- Szekeres_Szilárd <> a écrit : >
> According to the port-specific faq on the NetBSD
> site, I noticed a issue
> about the ethernet interfaces.
> According to the issue, I'm in doubt. Will this
> machine work for me as a
> firewall? My case is the following:
> Share the ADSL connection with the whole network. I
> want to use NAT to
> share this connection. My problem is that the issue
> "says" to me, that
> regardless of how many interfaces I have in my
> SPARCstation, the same
> MAC addrecc will be given and used. Will the NAT
> solution work in this
> case?
Don't worry, it's not a problem but if your 2
interfaces are on the SAME (physical) networks, and
It's not your case ...
Lolo (my SS5 works like thinks since a week w/o any
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