Subject: Re: NetBSD install script timezone screen blinkenjunk....
To: Matthias Buelow <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Laurent=20FAILLIE?= <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/05/2002 19:06:00
 --- Matthias Buelow <>
a écrit : > writes:
> > Out of curiousity, is there any reason why the
> > NetBSD install scripts blink themselves to death
> > when arriving at the timezone selection screens?
> > It happens on the VAX, Sparc, and also (I think)
> > the X86 installs.  Although it does not totally
> Yes, I noticed that also, it also happens on Alpha,
> this is royally
> annoying if you're installing with a serial line
> console and my entry
> is so far down!  The menu should be made
> hierarchically at least, not
> that you have to scroll down a minute or two thru
> that constant
> redrawing mess over a 9600 baud line.  The constant
> redrawing should
> also go away.

With 1.5.3 it was TOTALY unusable, it's better w/ 1.6.
but I agree : it's realy borring and a wast of time.


Lolo (w/ console on a serial line)

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