Subject: Re: IPX base framebuffer resolution
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/03/2002 08:56:18
> horizontal frequency of 71.6 kHz and a vertical frequency of 76 Hz;

> 'n<return>setenv output-device screen:r1152x900x66<return>reset<return>'
> so that the IPX should switch to a mode which my monitor will handle,
> and reboot into that new mode.

> However, this does not work.  The station reboots, but uses again the
> 1152x900x76 mode.

cg6s are not all created equal.  It would not surprise me if the
onboard cg6 were not capable of 1152x900x66, or perhaps even incapable
of switching scan frequencies at all.  (This may not even be common
across all IPXes; I don't know whether different IPXen have been made
with framebuffers of different capabilities.)

> ** Does a setting such as the default screen resolution would survive
> a software 'reset' if the NVRAM battery is dead ?

My guess is, yes, provided you don't actually power off.  Maybe even if
you do; I suspect that setting is actually stored by the framebuffer
itself rather than NVRAM, though I've never investigted in any detail.

					der Mouse