Subject: Re: vi and/or Network troubles.
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Laurent=20FAILLIE?= <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/29/2002 14:03:28
 --- Bernd Sieker <> a écrit : 

Hi Bernd,

> This is a known problem with vi. I don't know the
> correct solution, but
> it is not NetBSD specific, and is mentioned on
> several vi help pages.

Arg, I was not aware about this and I never add such
problem on my others machines.
> A workaround is to use the h j k and l keys for
> cursor movement.

Yes, it's what I'm using when vi become crasy.
> The problem is that the cursor keys send more than
> one character, and if
> the interval between the two is too big, they are
> interpreted as two
> different keystrokes.
> It should be possible to set a line speed somewhere,
> but I can't
> remember where.

Ok, I will try w/ vim (hopping, it haven't this
trouble). I generaly use nedit but I need a nonX
editor as I haven't installed X on the SS5.

Thanks for your help.



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