Subject: Re: LX with "GX" chip?
To: Dale Ghent <>
From: Don Yuniskis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/23/2002 18:20:55
>: "Dale Ghent" <> wrote
> On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Don Yuniskis wrote:
> |    I'm hacking together an LX and notice a large PGA socket
> | bearng the label "GX" on the board.  Shall I assume this is a
> | video "upgrade" available for this model?  And, if so, can I just
> | "steal" the "Sun GX" chip out of a cg6 (501-1672) and plug it in
> | there?  Or, am I better off just plugging the SBUS cg6 card in
> | instead?   (i.e. does the card have more/less VRAM, etc. on it)
> The LX comes with a GX framebuffer as standard equipment.
> Sounds like your particular LX had it's chip liberated for something else.
> Any GX gpu in a PGA package conceivably should work in that socket.

The source of my confusion is that the video *works* without the
chip installed.  Leading me to guess that this is an accelerator or
"option" that builds upon some "minimal" frame buffer within the LX?

The box has Solaris on it currently.  I'll see if I can get it to
tell me what it thinks the hardware looks like...

> I don't know if a TGX chip would work, but if both the LX and the TGX chip
> were expendable, it might be an interesting experiment to try :)

<grin>  Potential waste of an otherwise decent machine!  :-/
