Subject: Re: Sparc Aurora card for NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Julian C. Dunn - Lists <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/15/2002 20:53:47
On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 12:42, Chuck Yerkes wrote:

> I have an SBUS Aurora 4 port serial card that doesn't look to be
> supported.  No real use for it and I don't have the hydra cable
> that actually spews out the 4 serial ports.
> Is anyone interested in getting it to work on NetBSD/SPARC?
> If so, I can send it on.  I'd prefer to send it on to one
> to someone who's actually been coding for the project and has
> a track record.
> I'm sure I could dig up the pinouts.  The card came in a SPARC
> I inherited.

I also have one of these cards that came with my SS2+. The PROM reports
it as:

Aurora Model 010/210  at sbus0 slot 1 offset 0x100 level 9 not

I have no use for it as I, too, do not have the fancy-schmancy cable
that came with it, so anyone who would like this thing, I'll send it to
you for free -- preferably if you are planning to write or help write a
device driver for it.

- Julian

[     Julian C. Dunn <> * <>      ]
[    WWW:  * PGP: 0xFDC205B9     ]
[                   "you can't see the future when                     ]
[          it's all disguised as the past" - nerissa nields            ]