Subject: Re: stray interrupt ipl 0x7 (was Re: SS5-170 Level 15 Interrupt)
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/27/2002 21:45:30
| >>> How can I look up other interupts on a SS5? Like this one:
| >>> Jun 22 07:39:13 struck /netbsd: stray interrupt ipl 0x7 pc=0xf00075fc npc=0xf0007600 psr=54000c3<S,PS>
| >> Look at the boot messages to see what's regstering a level 7 interrupt
| >> handler.
| > i wager that he has SUNW/fas card and is using the FE. i get the same thing
| > on my ss20 (and ss5 before that), but havent tried to track down the cause.
| Aha!
| struck:/var/run %grep 'ipl 7' dmesg.boot
| hme0 at sbus0 slot 1 offset 0x8c00000 level 4 (ipl 7): Sun Happy Meal Ethernet (SUNW,qfe)
| hme1 at sbus0 slot 1 offset 0x8c10000 level 4 (ipl 7): Sun Happy Meal Ethernet (SUNW,qfe)
| hme2 at sbus0 slot 1 offset 0x8c20000 level 4 (ipl 7): Sun Happy Meal Ethernet (SUNW,qfe)
| hme3 at sbus0 slot 1 offset 0x8c30000 level 4 (ipl 7): Sun Happy Meal Ethernet (SUNW,qfe)
| hme4 at sbus0 slot 2 offset 0x8c00000 level 4 (ipl 7): Sun Happy Meal Ethernet (SUNW,qfe)
| hme5 at sbus0 slot 2 offset 0x8c10000 level 4 (ipl 7): Sun Happy Meal Ethernet (SUNW,qfe)
| hme6 at sbus0 slot 2 offset 0x8c20000 level 4 (ipl 7): Sun Happy Meal Ethernet (SUNW,qfe)
| hme7 at sbus0 slot 2 offset 0x8c30000 level 4 (ipl 7): Sun Happy Meal Ethernet (SUNW,qfe)
| None of those are passing much traffic, and of the 5 configured, only 3 are
| link up. Maybe that's the source? Or maybe it's what I noticed in
|, where half of
| them show up with qsphy and half with ukphy? Any way to match it to a specific
| interface?
No. The reason it's a *stray* interrupt is that it arrived but none
of the drivers that were registered to receive it would acknowledge
having generated it.