Subject: re: pkgsrc and tcsh
To: Greywolf <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/29/2002 05:59:02
   # This clear distinction has already been mingled with the default
   # X11BASE, which is the same directory of the X11 core installation,
   # which some might regard as part of the core installation, since
   # sysinst allows to install it. I am thinking about setting X11BASE to
   # something else to have a sharp line there, too.
   This is one of the major selling points for me of NetBSD is the strong
   division between core and non-core stuff.  My only beef is that if one
   overwrites /var (before forgetting to save /var/db/pkg), one loses all the
   pkg information.  Would it not make more sense to keep pkg information in
   wherever, what is it, $LOCALBASE happens to be (according to /etc/mk.conf)?
   [Okay, that pushes the oops out one level, but it also pushes it to a single
   point of recovery -- fix the value of $LOCALBASE and it's all set.]

FWIW, *all* of my systems have this symlink:

lrwxrwxr-x  1 root  wheel  16 Sep  8  2001 /var/db/pkg@ -> /usr/pkg/etc/pkg