Subject: Re: pkgsrc and tcsh
To: None <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/28/2002 13:00:37
[ On Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 10:18:56 (+0100), Andrew Grillet wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: pkgsrc and tcsh
> So would I, In fact, I'd like tcsh to be considered for inclusion as 
> part of the core system. Lets face it, as a user interface, it is far 
> better than csh, and if your system has a problem, you probably want to 
> use tcsh to fix it rather than csh.

Personally I've such an aversion to everything *csh that I've totally
eliminated everything related from my own local source tree and systems.

> Be honest, command line editing and 
> filename compeletion ARE good ideas, and "cos they had not been 
> invented in 1978" is not a good reason for not using them. However, I 
> also agree that its right not to pretend tchs is csh without the 
> decison being taken by the sysadmin.

Learn to use 'sh -E' or 'ksh -o emacs' (or their vi-mode equivalents if
you prefer).  There's never ever been any lack of command-line editing
in NetBSD.

*csh _is_ ~1978 technology.  :-)

								Greg A. Woods

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