Subject: Re: Upgrading from 1.5.2 to -current?
To: None <>
From: Alistair Crooks <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/24/2002 22:05:09
On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 08:46:21PM +0100, Andrew Grillet wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 April 2002 18:23, you wrote:
> > [ On Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 14:14:14 (+0100), David Laight
> > wrote: ]
> >
> >
> > > It is possible to pull the full cvs tree in over a 56k modem, but
> > > it definitely will take soo long you will lose the connection
> > > at some point.
> >
> > I don't see why that has to be true. In the past I've done checkouts
> > that large on a 28.8kbps modem and never lost the connection. Indeed
> > my 28.8k connection used to stay up for literally hundreds of days at
> > a time, and often it only reset because I (or the guy at the other
> > end ;-) wanted it to, not because the connection was lost. Now that
> > was a local telephone call, and within a fairly large city with good
> > telephone services, but still.....
> >
> Here in the UK, dial-up ISPs disconnect you after 2 hours - its called
> "unlimited access". This is part of British Telecom's policy of trying
> to prevent the spread of the Internet.
I live in the UK, have used dialup for over 7 years, and have never
been disconnected from my ISP after 2 hours. If you use the "free"
services - well, you get what you pay for. I have lots of other
gripes about one of the ISPs we use, but disconnection isn't one
of them.
And, yes, I've checked out the NetBSD CVS repository over dialup
lines many times.