Subject: Re: Upgrading from 1.5.2 to -current?
To: Brad Knowles <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/12/2002 08:40:36
On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Brad Knowles wrote:

> At 10:24 PM +0200 2002/04/11, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> 	I was hoping for something like:
> 		1.  Install NetBSD 1.5.2
> 		2.  Follow chapter 18.1 of "The NetBSD operating system:
> 		    a short guide", as available from
> 		    <>
> 		    to download the full source of the operating system.
> 		    Note that, as of 1.5.2, the full sources require
> 		    ~700MB of free disk space in /usr/src.
> 		3.  Type "cd /usr/src; make"
> 		4.  Before installing the new binaries, make and install
> 		    a new kernel image using the instructions available in
> 		    chapter XXX of the NetBSD Guide.
> 		5.  Type "cd /usr/src; make install"
> 		6.  Reboot the system.
> 	Myself, I've gotten to the end of step 2, and I'm not really sure
> if this is the script I should be following, or where the
> instructions are for building a new kernel image using the new tools,
> but before installing the binaries.
	To get a NetBSD-current distribution.
	a) Download the full current source
	b) run     ./ -d -D $DESTDIR -R $RELEASEDIR

	$DESTDIR will contain a complete destination tree except for
	the kernel and devices. $RELEASEDIR will contains complete
	installation sets including instalation media images.
	(except X).

	If you have another faster machine of a different type, (*)
	just use ./ -d -D $DESTDIR -R $RELEASEDIR -m sparc

	(*) Eventually the requirements will just be any box with an
	ANSI C compiler and a posix subsystem, but for now NetBSD/sparc
	requires a NetBSD host to build.

		David/absolute		-- No hype required --