Subject: Re: Old memory?
To: Brad Knowles <>
From: Alex Buell <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/11/2002 19:44:00
On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Brad Knowles wrote:

> 	Does anyone have any thoughts as to good places where I could buy
> this kind of stuff?  We have local used parts sales places (on the
> shady side of town), and I bought some 32MB 72-pin SIMMs at one of
> the shops there that I thought would be good.  However, at best
> guess, I think these things are EDO (which I'm not sure hurts or
> helps), but they certainly don't have parity, and they don't seem to
> work in the machine.

Aha, I can help you with that. Please have a word with Tom Tobin at Acara
Ltd - his e-mail address is

Fine chap, helped sort out memory for my SPARCstations last year.

I'm an infojunkie. (updated 10 April 2002)