Subject: Re: Recent acquisition...
To: David Woyciesjes <>
From: James Sharp <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/21/2002 14:20:38
> Well, I am the proud new owner of a Sun Ultra1 Creator machine ( p/n
> 600-4385-01). It came with 128 MB of RAM (2 pieces - 501-2480-78431410 and
> 501-2480-78431417), and a Creator video card. The video card has the 13W3
> connector, and looks like a 1/8" jack.
> No drives included. But then again, what do you expect for $50?
$50? Not fair :)
> Couple quick questions, and yes, I do know about SunSolve online...
> - The info I found on the Creator card, (501-4127-061144) says the 1/8" jack
> is stereo. Okay, stereo what? Sound in or out?
Stereo video. The 1/8" jack connects to a pair of stereo shutter glasses.
> - I have the Sun/Hitachi 19 inch tube. It's safe to assume that the Creator
> can handle the weight, and the Hitachi can handle the video output, right?
The box can handle the weight, yes...and the tube should handle the video.