Subject: clisp won't build...
To: None <>
From: Paul NCC/CS <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/30/2002 00:25:06
I have an SS2, with NetBSD 1.5. I have compiled
loads of pkgsrc and kernels no problems. But
when compiling clisp I get signal 11 problem. is trying to compile compiler.lsp . All of
the 'c' code compiles no problem.
See it seems the "lisp" binary is compiled ok.
But when lisp runs it's initialisation code it
runs amuck.
Sig 11 normally means ram faulty, but does it
always mean this? I have a suspicion there may
be something else wrong. Does anyone have any
ideas? anyone else built clisp in pkgsrc?
PS when I try sunos cmu lisp pre made binaries
I get :
interrupt_handle_now: No handler for signal 11?
LDB monitor
Again something about sig 11 but it's not thrashing
the ram just bringing up the interpreter.
Bureau of Met,