Subject: Re: Booting my IPX
To: Joerg Stephan <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/25/2002 22:05:21
On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Joerg Stephan wrote:
> i've got a little problem, and maybe there is somebody who can help.
> I try to insatll NetBSD on an Sun Sparc IPX, but my Sun won't boot
> from the cd-rom (which is an old external SCSI from IBM), the same
> problem come up if i try to install solaris 2.5.
> The cd boots a bit, then a lot of warnings which ends in a kernel
> panic. Who knows an answer.

Are you sure the drive is OK? Does it work under normal, non booting

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